Globia Wiki

Exesa is a current member of Globia Staff, and has been playing since Season 3.

S3 - Empire of China[]

Exesa first joined in early December, beginning of S3 and was a member of East Svalbard for 12 hours. He joined after finding out about Earth Faction servers, and decided that Globia would be the place.

His mission was to unite China under a single banner.

The following day, he created the faction Guangzhou, south of the Empire of China, a decently large faction who had a similar mission. He started claiming, and within the first 24 minutes, Araciel joined and invited him into the Empire, being the 7th member and the 3rd Officer at the time.

Following that, Araciel proceeded to claim south and claim Taiwan, which he decided to take control of, being the first 'First Minister of Taiwan', and 'Vice-Roy of Taiwan'.

Following that, he invited friends, and friends invited family. Taiwan then became the most densely packed province, with 5 players in 31 Chunks, and 4 of them being somehow related to him. Some notable people also invited are THAPENGUINKING, leader of Antarctica, and UvvU_. THAPENGUINKING also invited catraxx in.

After that, most of his trade went through Beijing, and he had a decent relationship with the central government. He implemented many laws. The Taiwan Act, and Act of Acts are acts that are remembered, creating crimes and creating an act format, based off of real life Acts.

Near the collapse of S3, Araciel decided to create a new country for S4, Die Deutsche Kaiserinreich. At first, Exesa wanted to find new leadership and explore the server. Araciel then proceeded to call him a traitor, which changed his mind.

S4 - European Commonwealth[]

In S4, Exesa had the idea of making a university, which took me more than 24 hours spanning 2 weeks of time. Exesa also worked on SF under dav. Exesa worked with international relations, which makes me more known throughout the server.

Exesa became a helper, and have been working on everything. Participated in his first war, where he applied a strategy called 'Schnell Drucken'.

Exesa is mainly known for my connections, and heading of 3 projects. The Freude Uni project, the Auto-Duster Project, and the construction of Ost-Marajo.

Later into S4, Exesa founded the Blade Coalition, and perfected sword making, making the first ever perfect sword to exist on the server: Shogunai I, or Retribution.

He also was promoted to moderator but later denied a promotion to Admin that Araciel offered him.

Late into S4, he was able to convince GTo to go for another run, and Araciel to run another China.

S5 - Greater Korea[]

In the preseason of Season 5, GTo dropped out of China and China eventually became Korea. Exesa also accepted a promotion to Admin. He created a group known as LOTUS, and planned to use it as a spy organization.

He spent the early season building Xephedrome Island in honor of IcyMC_, burning him out. He took a break until Season 6.

S6 - LOTUS[]

LOTUS turned into a nation when Exesa worked with Icy and Seur to make a small island nation.

Stuff happened. I don't remember. Something something, we destroyed Communist China, something something, mirror teleportation, something something, civil war, something something, im burnt out. I dont know. Ask Icy to fix this part for me.

S7 - something something cyprus lol[]

i was a part of this season? wtf?

S8 - Communist Republic of the Philippines[]

The Communist Republic of the Philippines (Philippines) was created several days after the coinciding founding of Venzuelan Union (S8) by IcyMC_ and Guyanese SSR (S8) by seurator. It was originally a member of the Comintern. Its basis is on a paper written by one of Exesa's cousins (and slightly modified to prevent accidental doxxing and more fitting of Globia's politics)[1], a modified version of the Communist Party of the Philippines' "Urgent Tasks of the Communist Party"[2], and R. Constantino Sr.'s book: The miseducation of the Filipino[3]. On January 20th, the Philippines was officially recognized by Venezuela as a valid nation. On February 3rd, 2022, the Philippines established itself as a nation in #world-news, and immediately backed Franswitz in the European Border Conflict against Alekia. On February 4th, 2022, the Philippines became a member of the United Nations (UN) and The Socialist Confederation (SC). The following day, a discord was made by Exesa and the constitution was born in which marked Exesa as the first Chairman (CPP) of the first Politburo (PPP) of the Globian Philippines Communist Party (GPCP), and Natsuyu036 was pronounced as his righthand man (SCPP) became a member of the Southern Treaty Organization (STO).

2020-03-16 12.39

Freude University.

Awards and Achievements[]

Longest distance (longitude and latitude) travelled on an elytra (S3's Journey around the world)

First person to invent organized education (Freude University)

Most city landmarks (Freude University, Freude Lab, The Dome, German Vault, Sky Arena, The First Ice Pyramid, Fire Temple) (Group Record, Record achieved by the EuropeanCommonwealth)

First person to ever deny a promotion to Admin (hahahahahahahha)

Biggest airship in S4 (The Mothership, ~8500 blocks)

Formation of the First Anti-Soviet Coalition (GUN, Great United Nations) (Group Record, Record Achieved by Antarctica, Ireland, China, and a few other countries)

Most Crusades (The First Coalition vs Alekistan, The Second Coalition & Colombstralia vs TheFederation)

First cannon ever used offensively (Corponan Skirmish) (Group Record, Record Achieved by Seurator, Exesa and bcrcoolguy04)

Biggest Country (by landmass and players) (S3 China) (Group Record, Record Achieved by S3 China)

First Person to make Perfect Champagne and achieve the ability to perfectly brew and age

Ran the Largest server wide player organized (non-war) event (Lunar New Year, Beijing Celebration, S3)

First S3 Player to reach over 500 hours on the server

Largest ever sky island in Globia (Xephedrome Island) (Group Record, Record Achieved by IcyMC_, and Exesa)


Shogunai Collection

Germany (S4)

Empire of China (S3)

Perfect Swords

Korea (S5)

  1. Reason for Revolt. Sison, E. (2021). In Truly Filipino: The Communist Revolution in a Geohistorical Context (1st ed. Globia Adaptation). Maynila, Philippines (S8): Philippines Party Politburo.
  2. Sison, E. (2021). Urgent Tasks of the Communist Party (1st ed. Globia Adaptation). Maynila, Philippines (S8): Philippines Party Politburo.
  3. Constantino, Renato. & Constantino, Letizia R.  (1982).  The miseducation of the Filipino.  Quezon City, Philippines :  Foundation for Nationalist Studies