Globia Wiki


The Global Iceway Initiative (GII) was formed on the 16th of December, 2020 by IcyMC_ as an administrative body for the construction of a global iceway system in Season 6. As of the 17th of December, 2020 the GII is a joint collaborative between the Lotus Confederacy and the Caribbean Commonwealth.

The GII is based out of northern Pyongyang-Seoul, the capital of the Lotus Confederacy. The headquarter building is planned to be built above the expansive Pyongyang-Seoul station.

New members are encouraged to sign up to join the GII by following this discord link:

Controversy / Opposition[]

In the beginning weeks of season 6 a large portion of the iceway going through the Shandong peninsula was effectively under Chinese control. Chairman Haters (光荣的领袖) took advantage of this and placed a hefty toll on the iceway going through Chinese territory. In response, the GII cut off the iceway through Shandong and created a new iceway that went around to connect back to the original path, a direct act of oppoosition against the Chinese government. It is said that this is the first act of many leading to the Sino-Lotus War.