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Log: >> [Member] Potatomanbrah joined the server for the first time (December 15th 2019)
Unbeknownst to the players at this time, this moment marked the beginning of a tragedy. One of pain, glory, death, and action.
Head looking in all directions, like a spinning coin, potato gullibly exclaimed,
> "where am i".
His brother, haters, brought him here, like a kid forced to go shopping.
Hatersgonnahate8, whispered gently like a breeze,
> "Home."
Potato's hair perked up, this scared the boy.
Potato began eagerly pointed at things, like a loose dog he began exploring his surroundings.
The gentle waves slowly pushing sand bank further up the shore, Haters brought him to an island! Across the canyon of the dark blue waters rested mountains. Their dramatic height puncturing the sky gave it the impression of a city. Though this city had a wall of protection from hostile forces offering the two players a chance... a chance at success.
Like the sand, much of Alekistan's history has been pushed away into the depths of our memory banks.
Potatomanbrah, began working from the shadows managing the behind the scenes while Haters maintained the public portfolio.
"WHO ARE THEY TO CHALLENGE OUR DOMINION!?" Potato said pointing at a map of Switzerland.
"CALM DOWN DUDE, let's figure this out." Haters' hands found themselves resting in his pockets.
"TO WAR I SAY!" Potato chirped.
Potato grabbed signs and began posting them up. The rest flocked over like birds chasing dropped food.
Potatomanbrah and Hatersgonnahate8 plunged into the dark abyss known as war. Knowing nothing of how it actually worked and lacking organization skills they lost and went into exile.
The greatest empire at the time had fallen at the hands of two inept rulers.
I can't let this happen again, it won't happen again.....
Potatomanbrah had destroyed the faction through irrational decisions.
Potatomanbrah, despised the idea of joining a faction besides that of haters where he always managed things behind the scenes.
Though Potatomanbrah had greater aspirations, Potatomanbrah looked at the dynmap and saw neither countries nor counties, just promise.
Alekistan would be rebuilt by Potatomanbrah & Haters and many more countries would be made.
Haters would take the stage while Potatomanbrah managed from the light room.
August 28, 2021
Season 7.....
Log: >> Rensura was slain by Potatomanbrah
"FIRST RENSURA KILL OF THE SEASON" Explained the King of Austria: Potatomanbrah.
Potatomanbrah decided to make his own country and would become the most important player of season 7. Many would come to watch him speak.
In his prime people would die for his goals to be met.
<- Potatomanbrah leading his armies to war.
That once gullible boy had become the most powerful and influential man to ever join Globia. Potato's legacy will go down as hated by some, loved by few, and known by all.
Potato's main goal for every season was, "Peace.. Prosperity... Potato"